Sheri’s ranch

Vegas’ closest legal brothel

Our Ladies

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Sheri’s Ranch Brothel

About Prostitution and sheri’s ranch

Prostitution is very, very illegal in Las Vegas (as it is in Reno). Despite the cards you see stuck to the sidewalk of The Strip, you can’t legally pay for sex in the city. Or, at least, you can’t just straight up offer someone cash specifically for sex.

If you want guaranteed sex for cash, you have to drive outside of the county, where you’ll find a number of brothels, including Sheri’s Ranch. This is by far the best known and respected brothel close to Las Vegas. They run a good ship out there, and when you’re out there, if you have the cash, you absolutely can live like a king (or emperor). At Sheris Ranch they have just about everything you want. There’s a sports bar, restaurants, hotel room, and even bungalows.

Sure, you have to drive at least an hour out to the Sheri’s Ranch brothel, so it isn’t exactly an easy drive, and it’s not really something you’ll do if you only feel like taking someone to pound town for an hour. That one our will very quickly turn into four, and you’ll need to drive yourself, because an Uber or Taxi will cost almost as much as getting your dick wet. So it’s more of an extended full day, even full weekend kind of location.

The hotel is comfortable, although it’s only 10 rooms, so you might need to book ahead. The VIP bungalows, on the other hand, are wild. These are all themed hotel suites with multiple rooms and are designed to allow you to host as many of the prostitutes as you want. This is one of the reasons why Sheri’s Ranch Nevada brothel is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. You could book 10 sex workers for the duration of your stay for the ultimate orgy, or you could book one after the other.

You’ll want to sift through the pictures of the bungalows to see if something fits your likings, and those are absolutely setups you’ll want to book in advance. Most of the wild Sheri’s Ranch stories take place within those bungalows. And just remember, for these spaces, if you have to ask the price you probably can’t afford it. Because it’s expensive, and that’s not even including the cost of the women.

The Ladies

When you hear the term “legal prostitution” you’re probably thinking of the women on TV who go down on a guy for twenty bucks and a root beer. Not exactly high class and they look it. At the ranch you will find some surprising bombshells. There are women who were Playboy bunnies and graced the covers of your favorite adult magazines. There are some less attractive ones, but as that old Deja Vu strip club saying goes, “hundreds of beautiful girls and three ugly ones.”

There is a large selection of women. If you’re planning a trip ahead of time you can either request a specific girl for when you are arriving, or you can see who will be working during your visit. Some girls do book faster than others, so if you see someone you like you’ll want to call ahead. There is every kind of girl you might want too..

Every woman will offer different services. This is where you might want to decide if there is a kind of woman you are more interested in or a type of service you want to receive, as every woman does not offer every service. Maybe you’re looking for a traditional blowjob, or you want to really plow a chick. Some will be down with this, others not. Others will offer girl-on-girl action, others provide foot fetish services. If there is a specific service you want it is best to look up the service, and then go from there. You should also note that while Sheri’s Ranch hotel is more specifically designed for you to rest and recover, the bungalows are where the real naughty action is at.

These Girls Can Be Tons Of Fun

sex menu

Okay, so you’re heading out to the Sheri’s Ranch Pahrump NV location and you’re really interested in a particular service. There are some services that are advertised, and others that are not. Keep this in mind. Maybe you’ve been craving anal sex because the old lady back home doesn’t allow it. Well, here’s the thing about that. Anal sex is not on the listed menu.

Does that mean you can’t receive it? That comes down to you and the girl you select. Some girls might, if the price is right, others might shake it off completely. Anal can be pretty tricky to track down at times. It almost comes down to crossing your fingers and hoping the girl you pick can be paid for that.

Speaking of cost, we need to get into Sheri’s Ranch prices. There is a large sex menu list, ranging from a vibrator toy party and shower party all the way to two girl lesbian shows and sexual intercourse. But what you’ll quickly discover is there are no listed prices. This is because every girl sets her own price point. Usually the girls with a higher demand will charge more, although this isn’t always the case. In many ways, the cost negotiation is similar to that of Las Vegas escorts.

With a Las Vegas escort, you will pay a booking fee, and then you will discuss what you want and how much it will cost. Likewise, with the girls at Sheri’s Ranch, you will need to discuss prices for the different services.

If you’re just trying to find the cheapest girls your best bet will be to try and search out Reddit or other posting forums to see if someone has updated price listings. These are never set in stone and a girl might change her prices (it is why you need to show up looking good, and specifically showered, because if you have a funk odor going on the girl will absolutely charge you more. Nobody wants to blow someone wafting of onions and teenage boy room, so show up clean).

Just know that you’ll be dropping several thousand bucks at least. Staying in a bungalow? Bachelor party on the calendar? You can add another zero to that (again, at least).


The idea of just skipping all the work and getting right to sex can be alluring. It can also be a pain in the ass and time consuming. If you have the cash and are staying in Vegas for a week then sure, you do you, but most people that come to Vegas stay for just a few days. This means you have limited time to work with, and Sheri’s Ranch takes a massive dedication. Getting in and getting out is going to take minimum 4 hours, and that’s if you have your own car. Renting a car will only add a few hundred bucks to your tab.

Instead, you might have a better time taking advantage of an escort service in Las Vegas. With an escort you don’t have to leave the Vegas Strip. Hell, you could spend the entire time in your hotel room if you want and get the hot Girlfriend experience . You could try for the escort fantasy, because the date takes place in your hotel room, and not on their turf. And as you know from dating, there’s always some benefits to the home field advantage.

Plus, when you want to hire escorts in Las Vegas, you can opt for just about any kind of woman. You can go skinny to BBW escorts. You can go for a Black woman to a ginger to a Japanese girl to Korean mature Las Vegas escorts. There’s something for everyone and, based on your budget and schedule, going the route of independent escorts might be the better alternative.


How Safe Is Having Sex In A Brothel?

At Sheri’s Ranch? Very safe. All sex is performed with a condom, and all of the girls go through regular testing. The state of Nevada also has very strict licensed requirements. Because Sheri’s Ranch needs to maintain its licenses in order to remain operational, management is very, very strict and ensures every girl follows the requirements.

This is why, when it comes to brothels, you need to go with the reputable ones. Don’t try to pick up a woman off the street. You’re risking STDs and getting busted by the cops. Try to explain the police report and her sudden outbreak of genital warts to your wife without waking up with a hot iron pressed against your face. Call girls follow similar standards, and you can remain at the hotel, if you desire.

Is There an Age Requirement?

Yes, you need to be at least 21 years of age. But you know, if you’re 18, you can enjoy time with call girls from escort agencies.

Is There Merchandise?

There is, actually. In fact, some people drive out and visit the brothel specifically for a pint glass or calendar. If you don’t want to fly too close to the sun, grabbing some souvenirs can be fun gifts.

What are the Hours of Operation?

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Las Vegas escorts work the same schedule (FYI)

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